What a way to finish up the year!

From media interviews on the George Hook ‘Kick Start your Business’ show to charity events at Crumlin Children’s Hospital! Fortune Marketing really made an impact in their first year of business. Combined with recruitment and expansion, the team at Fortune Marketing are proud to say they reached and exceeded their goals in 2013!

So did George Hook let John ‘Off the Hook’  to over 134,000 radio listeners across Ireland?

Listen to what George Hook; www.newstalk.ie  and Gerard Tannam of Island Bridge Brand Development; www.islandbridge.com had to say:


We would like to thank George and Gerard for putting us through the hook but not off the hook!
Great advice, which we will put to good use! And a great challenge to come back to George with!

The wheels are in motion!

Where too next!

John and the team have been at the PSI conference in Dusseldorf this week, meeting suppliers and exchanging new ideas.  So we can bring new products to the Irish Premia Market, in fact we have just won some exclusive to ‘Fortune Marketing’ only products!

So watch this space?

Happy New Year everyone!

L to R – Gerard Tannam of Island Bridge Brand Development, John Fortune of Fortune Marketing and George Hook of Newstalk Radio.