” I would like to share a direct factory report that relates to the CoronaVirus that we received this morning.

Our sales, designers, marketing, material purchasers, HR, finance departments resumed work but at the moment remotely and only online.
The factory commences production on Feb 10 according to government guidelines.

To date all our employees are well and complying with government advise to handle the virus.
The Virus is well controlled now and we anticipate continued progress. We are optimistic about this and our factory always keep one month’s supply of masks in stock as our usual procedure is that workers wear masks during production.

Most of our workers are local or live close to our province and we only have 2 workers from Hubei province, they are currently well and we’ll allow them to return to work when the government authorizes them to do so..
Our ongoing investment included the addition of more machines and robots before CNY so most of orders won’t be greatly affected.

Our planning to protect our employees and our business

1. From January 23 our company conducted a comprehensive internal survey of all employees, one by one to understand the situation of employees at home, record everyone’s movements every day, there is no abnormality so far.
2. Paid leave extended by 7 days;
3. Our company and factory have enough masks and other protective items from abroad and local. We will send marks to employees before they come back to work.
4. We reimburse fares for all employees returning to Guangzhou and a qualified catering company has been outsourced to provide employees with healthy and safe food.
5. We will disinfect the workplace before production commences and our workers are required to disinfect their hands before they enter the workshop.
6. Do online protection training for employees via WeChat / Dingding platform every day.
7. We appointed a team who will monitor and record the temperature of all employees and note any concerns in real-time after starting works.
8.Every one strengthen physical exercise.

We also sent masks to our key material suppliers and keep contacting them to make sure our raw material supply will be on time. We will keep you informed if there any significant  changes.
Thanks again for your support and understanding, we are sure we can get through the virus soon with all your support! 😊 “